Monday, January 09, 2006

I am now the mother of TWO two year olds. How did that happen? Yesterday the twins turned two, quite a milestone not just for them but for me and G as well. It's been a tricky challenge raising twins and at times not all that enjoyable but overall I think we are doing a reasonable job. They are happy (most of the time), healthy (despite concerns with Scarlett in her first year with her reflux and heart murmur) and developing well both physically and mentally. I am very proud of them, they are beautiful kids.

We had a small get together in the evening for them, just 4 close friends and some icecream cakes. I was really proud that the cakes turned out so well, it was no easy feat decorating icecream cakes in 37C weather even with the aircon turned up. If I can figure out how to add photos to this blog I will share some pics of the day.

I'm nervous about the year ahead with them. Toilet training will be a big part of the focus this year, and also the transition to "big" beds. First though I am going to tackle bottles, they need to go so I need to be really firm about this and not give in when the twins cry for them. It won't be easy and I suspect Scarlett will be the hardest nut to crack on this issue but I am more determined, no really I am..I will not be outdone by a two year old..or TWO two year olds!

Oh and one more small announcement..we have a brand new baby niece, welcome to the family Zoe, we can't wait to meet you!


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