Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Happy Birthday Gorgeous Georgeous and Poppy Monkey!!

Yep my gruesome twosome are another year older. The big THREE! I guess that technically makes them pre-schoolers and not toddlers anymore. I am a couple of days late with this post they actually had their birthday on Monday and we celebrated with a trip to the Zoo in the morning.
It's hard to believe how far they have come from the tiny teensy babies they are below

Scarlett, just hours old

Joe, a few hours old

to the big boisterous pre-schoolers they are now. Their unique and special relationship has grown and developed and I imagine would be hard to break, they fight fiercely and yet are fiercely protective of each other around other kids. They get annoyed at their lack of space but are left hysterical should one go out without the other, even if one goes to play in another room it's never more than 10 minutes before they will look for each other. I hope this bond they have will stay with them their whole lifetime.

Yesterday and today they have been playing with all their new birthday presents, so here is a snap of them taken less than an hour ago as they played with their new dress ups. I now can't get them out of those clothes and it's 38C here, which is fine for Ariel..not so great for Buzz!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A BIG happy birthday to Scarlett and Joe! The photos when they were just newborns are amazing!

I had to look twice at Buzz because I thought it was a toy! Then when I read further down, I realised it was actually Joe in his dress ups! Glad to see him in less pink this time! ;o)

1:08 PM, January 10, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe seems to be developing a strong chin...

4:50 PM, January 10, 2007  

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