Friday, April 13, 2007

10 Things That Made Me Smile This Week

1. Watching countless episodes of 90210
2. Abbey spelling "S-E-X" at the dinner table (see G's post for the full story)
3. Joe asking "You got plenty more?" at the dinner table when we had poured the last of the coke from the bottle. His speech is just getting so much better every day at the moment.
4. Seeing a photo of my 4 new cousins whom have just been adopted by my cousin.
5. The mere thought of going out for dinner tonight (without kids!!)
6. Leaving an empty cheese wrapper in the bathroom for G to find. He has this obsession with cheese wrappers and complains I never put the empty wrapper in the bin, I just leave it on the kitchen I left it in the bathroom just for him! *smirk*
7. Realizing that Scarlett never just walks anywhere, she floats, she flits, she dances and she prances..but she *never* just walks.
8. Hearing Joe tell G " I love you Daddy" each night when he goes to bed, so heart-warming.
9. Reading the countless Bratz-based stories that Abbey had been writing these holidays, she has such a way with words.
10. G - he just makes me smile *swoon*


Blogger Angela said...

Jo, you made me smile too. Thanks!!!

12:16 PM, April 19, 2007  

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