Wednesday, August 01, 2007

It's August

How the hell did that happen? Did someone take July off the calender this year or something?
Okay so I better make up for being a very poor blogger, firstly the gorgeous Ange tagged me at the beginning of June and I am finally going to respond to that:

Four of my Favourite Jobs
1. The Cambridge Disney Store
2 Brashs (remember them?) in their CD/music dept
3 Pizza Hut - would you like garlic bread with that?
4 Harris Scarfe in the Accessories Dept.

Four of My Favourite Local Places
1. Zapata's (well it's kind of local)
2. Cinemas
3. Beyond India
4. My bed

Four of my Favourite Foods
1. Chocolate
2. Lasagne
3. Mexican
4. Indian

Four of My Favourite International Places
1. Cambridge
2. Cambridge
3. Cambridge
4. Cambridge

In return I tag Amanda, G, Skipper and Chris

Okay well the reason for the lack of blogging is pretty much that nothing of major interest is happening here. I am completely snowed under with scrapping at the moment..the word over committed springs to mind but I'll get there.
The Amazing Digiscrapping Race is under way which was so much fun last season I had to rejoin but I do wish I had thought it through a little more as time-wise it's a bit crazy. Two layouts a week doesn't sound much but when you have to scrap to a theme, colour, sketch or whatever it can be quite difficult. Oh well, two weeks down and 4 more to go!
Abs birthday is on the way next month so having been thinking about that a lot, and have mostly got things organized there...I just need to make her party invitations which I will try to get done today.
My cat is also very sick, I can't bear the thought of her not being here anymore as I have had her since she was 5 weeks old. My tiny little fluffball has grown somewhat and is now a very mature 16.5 years old. I think her little body is giving up on her though. We have been through so much together and I adore her. I really don't want to face what's coming and am just hoping that her current medication will kick in and she will bounce back again.

On a much happier note a big Welcome to the World to litte Brodie and Hollie, the two newest Picklebabies!

Anyhow that's about all from me..and here comes that promise again of "Yes I will be a better blogger this month"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Believe it when I see it ;-)

I think my tag answers are the same as yours anyway!

3:17 AM, August 02, 2007  

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