Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Update

Well the update from my last post is that just 4 days later, my girl was put to sleep. She went downhill fairly quickly once more and she was just never going to recover. Despite the double dosing of medication her spleen was still getting bigger and the vet was quite confident that the bone marrow cancer had spread to her spleen.
There was nothing more we could do, and I said goodbye and stayed with her until the end. I've actually had her cremated and now have her ashes which I plan to put in the garden and plant a shrub on top of. I miss her so much.

In other news G has been jet-setting recently and was away for 16 days to UK, Germany and China so I have been keeping pretty busy keeping everything here at home ticking along, racing in the Amazing Digiscrapping Race and keeping Abs on track at school.
She's been doing brilliantly lately, she got an A+ for her piano lessons from last semester, her Junior band just won a Bronze trophy in a competition and she achieved a Credit in an English competition that her teacher nominated her and two of her classmates to participate in.

Biggest news around here is that Scarlett is actually now toilet trained! Yay!! Night AND day, she has been in knickers during the day for several weeks now and has for the last 3 nights worn knickers to bed without any accidents so far.

Nothing much else happening here..other than picking up our new car at the end of the week..woohoo!


Blogger katef said...

I was so sorry to hear about your cat Jo... but I am damn jelous to hear your other news! Toilet trained day and night AND a new car!?!? waaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! I want those things soooooooo bad! Hope you enjoy them both!

4:41 PM, August 21, 2007  
Blogger amanda said...

Jo - even though it is old news i am sorry about your precious moggie. It is very hard to say goodbye to old friends :(

well done to Scar - that is a huge effort! She has come so far in a really short time!

11:28 AM, August 22, 2007  
Blogger Carole said...

Jo, I've just read this. I'm so sorry about your loss - I knew she was sick, but hadn't heard this update. The idea with the shrub sounds lovely. I know she'd been with you a long time and meant the world to you. Hugs!

8:53 PM, August 26, 2007  

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