Sunday, March 05, 2006

It's A Miracle!

Two posts in one day!

First and foremost my Harvey Blue kit is now available to purchase, so head to the The Digital Scrapbook Haven Store and get it now!

Secondly we have a new toy.... a DSLR!! I am really excited and can't wait to get some amazing shots (after loads of practise I am sure). We took a couple of test shots today but didn't really have a big chance to play with it as much as we would have liked as by the time we got it home it was heading into that whole dinner,bath and bed routine time of day. Here are a couple of shots though.

Firstly Joe and Scarlett (yep that's the big scratch on her nose from where Joe smacked her in the face with a book earlier in the week)

And also one of our two moggies kissing. Meg on the left and Ollie on the right. They don't really get along lately actually and shortly after this pic was taken Meg smacked Ollie on the head with her paw then bit his ear..and next thing I knew the fur was truly flying!

As for how the weekend went, well it wasn't too bad. Took the girls to the Dr as they are still struggling with their colds. Ab is probably worse and still won't be at school tomorrow as she has started a course of antibiotics which will take a day or two to kick in I guess. I'm sure she will be back on her feet soon enough, though she did skip her swimming lesson today to be on the safe side.

Not much else to mention, another big week of scrapping ahead (well that's the plan!), dinner out tomorrow night without DH and kids...woohoo and if I am really good I may even get my hair cut this week! (fingers crossed)

Cute moment of the weekend award goes to Joe who looked so so proud of himself sitting up in the barber's chair on Saturday morning having his hair cut, with his Daddy in the next chair over getting his done too. He was perfectly behaved and you could see how grown up he felt being just like his Daddy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

CONGRATS on the DSLR!!!!! How totally fun!

What adorable photos of the kids and kitties! :)

11:55 AM, March 07, 2006  

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