Sunday, March 12, 2006

Just A Perfect Day

Today we took the kids swimming. It was the twins first time in a pool and we really weren't sure how they would go. I've mentioned before how nervous they are with water but the last few months they have been coming to watch Abbey's swimming lesson on a Sunday and have started being quite interested. So finally today was the day for them to get in the pool. We asked Scarlett several times if she wanted to get in the pool to which she declined, until I asked "Scarlett want to get in the WATER?" and frankly she could not get out of her clothes and into her bikini quick enough! Joe just went along with anything, but once he actually got in the water it was like he was born swimming! He was amazing! None of this sitting on a step while he gets used to chest deep water for him, he was kicking his legs and trying to launch himself off the step within minutes of getting in. He even managed to get some crazy looking doggie-paddle moves going and and tried to take off...lucky I had hold of him. I even managed to dunk him under a couple of times without him freaking out!
Scarlett, who I had feared would hate the water most took huge delight in splashing Daddy, and the entire pool area was treated to delightful high pitch squeals of joy at full volume. She didn't seem to care at all about the water going on her face and she kicked her legs like she was racing for her life and didn't care who got wet!
Abbey was just happy to have some extra pool time as we always have trouble getting her out after a lesson. She has swimming every day this week with her class too so she should be fairly water-logged by next weekend!
All in all it was just a lovely day, we came home, had naps (yes including me!), helped Ab with some homework, had a yummy Mexican dinner, I showered all the kids and then put my feet up to watch TV...oh and I managed to scrap a page before we went out this morning.
A very productive day all round I say.


Blogger katef said...

oh sounds like justa great day! I am soooo jealous of you guys getting to the pool!

12:35 PM, March 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That does sound like a perfect day Jo! So great that the kids all loved the pool, er, sorry, water!! hehe

Oooh, Mexican, we're having taco's for dinner tonight and I can't wait! YUM!

1:19 PM, March 13, 2006  

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