Sunday, April 02, 2006

High As A Kite!

Well I had a fab day today, the kind of day I would love to have more often. After Abbey's swimming lesson today we made the 25 minute drive down to Sempahore to see the big Kite Festival they have down there. It was a gorgeous day, clear blue skies (well to start off with) a slight breeze so still had to pop the kids in long sleeves but just perfect. We walked along the foreshore, and up the jetty a bit to get a good view of the kites that were being flown. It was very crowded but the kids loved it. The kites were amazing, from the simple diamond shaped kites, butterfly kites, acrobatic kites and then the huge killer whale, a couple of mer-people, a pair of legs (!) and even an octopus kite!
The foreshore area was packed with people enjoying the rides, food, displays etc. At lunchtime I decided it would be best to head up the main street to find somewhere quieter for the twins to eat, and eventually we found a cafe that wasn't too busy and would do a simple vegemite sandwich for the kids. I must say I haven't eaten out with the twins without them being in their pram before. It's been ages since we braved a cafe with them and they were then at least strapped in a pram but they did us proud today and didn't once get out of their chairs! They looked so proud sitting at the table with us and happily munched on their sandwich while G, Abbey and I indulged in what could possibly be the best hot dogs I have ever eaten. We are definitely going back there again! I actually was out eating lunch with my little family and felt relaxed, happy and calm. I can't even describe how good that felt.
Many times during the twins first year or two it's seemed that we would never be able to just do things like a normal family, the hassles of trying to find cafes that would cater for a double pram without having to re-arrange the entire area of tables just seemed like it would never happen, and today..IT DID! We didn't even take the stroller in the car and it didn't matter the twins just walked everywhere.
After lunch we went back down to the foreshore but the wind had died down a bit so not many kites were flying. G and Abbey had a ride on the dodgem cars together which Joe and Scar found hilarious, shortly after Joe started acting tired so we headed back to the car and came home.
Considering they skipped their naps today and walked a lot they did really well to not get too cranky tonight..we didn't have too much of a bedtime battle either.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jo - i remember thinking the same as you, never feeling as though you can function and do things as other singleton families do....the first couple of years are hard slog with things like double prams to negotiate around the shops/cafes etc. Thank goodness they grow up and out of that stage. Time does go by so fast and yet at times it feels so damn slow!

10:14 PM, April 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, what a fantastic day you guys had! So glad you enjoyed yourselves, and the kids sounded like they were all angels!

9:32 AM, April 03, 2006  
Blogger Janie said...

It is a really fantastic feeling when you can actually relax a bit more with the kids eating in public. Ohhh I love kites!

1:47 PM, April 04, 2006  
Blogger Chris said...

Sounds like a brillant day Jo! I am so happy you all enjoyed the entire day and the twins were just perfect angels! They are grwoing up and you can see that happening already Jo and give it another little while and there will be no more prams etc to worry about or things you couldn't quite do before because of having to negotiate furniture etc etc! That part does come to an end! I am so happy you had a fanastic day it makes it so much easier to go out and do family things!

10:45 PM, April 04, 2006  
Blogger katef said...

Yay for a good day.... I have definitely found as the girls have gotten older that things like this are sooooooo much easier... lets hope it keeps getting better!

9:25 AM, April 05, 2006  

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