Sunday, June 11, 2006

The Days Go By

Again it's been nearly a week since I updated but I have been keeping busy enough.

Flowers and papers: Shabby Spring by Jeri Ingalls
Paper tags : Retro Metro by Mommyish
Bling Fasteners : Heather's DREAM
Alpha: Sweet Sprinkles Kit by Shabby Princess
Fonts :Angelina, Adobe Caslon Pro and Gigi

This week I did the above layout as part of a Book Of Me project I am working on with some scrap friends. We had the whole month of June to do this layout based on the theme "10 things I love about me/being me" I was pretty sure it was going to take the entire month of June to think of the 10 things but luckily it didn't, and I am actually fairly happy with how this turned out.

I also started a new kit this week, not sure how it will turn out in the long run as it was only supposed to be small but it's grown somewhat and I know it doesn't feel finished so will see where that takes me.

I also had sometime out for me this week which I feel did me the world of good. My Mum came up for the day and so I decided to go get my haircut at a new hairdresser's as the last couple I have been to hacked my hair to pieces and stuffed up the colouring completely leaving me with a mish mash of blonde,red and caramel foils in chunks and stripes.
I am now one deep brown colour all over with a hint of mahogany, and the cut was one of the best I have had in a while since I stopped going to the guy who had been cutting my hair since I was 17. Having the twins made it too hard to travel all the way into the city to get my hair cut by him.
Anyhow after that I went for a wander around the local shops to look for a couple of bits and pieces, and then I treated myself to a Happy Meal at McDonalds..oh so quiet all by myself...absolute bliss!

Yesterday we took G and Joe to get their hair cut as Joe was looking quite a bit like a scarecrow, he was so good sitting in the chair having his hair done. It was as though he had done it every day of his life since birth and the lady cutting it couldn't get over how good he was. When he was finished Scarlett decided she wanted her hair cut!! She went marching over to the chair saying "Scar's turn" and so we decided to let her have hers done too despite the fact I had been going to take her next weekend to get her curls lopped off. Now to wait and see if her baby curls stay or whether they were chopped off forever.

Anyhow best go get dinner started as my Aunt and Uncle are coming for dinner tonight and I am making my signature dish of lasagne. If I cook it up this morning then I shall have all day to do nothing much else!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, haircuts all round! Love that layout Jo, just beautiful. Look forward to seeing the new designs too, you're on a roll!

10:39 AM, June 11, 2006  

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