Wednesday, November 14, 2007

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!

Actually it has been looking like Christmas is right around the corner for WEEKS since the shops near us chose to start erecting giant Christmas trees in store at the start of October!

It usually bothers me a bit but not this year, I am feeling strangely calm and organized this year so far and at the rate I am going I should be finished my shopping (except maybe for G) by Dec 1st. You can blame all my Christmas preparations for my lack of blogging if you like...but really I just haven't felt like blogging until now.

I have nothing huge to share but did fancy blogging so here's a quick catch up.
  • Scarlett and Joe are loving Kindy and have settled in really well. I even saw Scarlett doing the Hokey Pokey last week so she's definitely feeling more comfortable there. Joe has been recommended for a Speech Assessment which should happen sometime during Term 1 next year once all the paperwork is done. He has a lot of words he uses, a big vocabulary etc but the clarity of the words isn't always there and people find him difficult to understand.

  • Speaking of Joe he is starting to progress more with his toilet training. He's starting to stay dry all day as long as he is not in a pullup (yet some days he will stay dry in a pull up too) and last night he had his first nappy free night as he refused to wear one so we compromised on a pull up instead. Today he insisted on proper big boy far so good including a trip to school and back.

  • Last Sunday I did my first photo shoot which didn't involve my own kids! I was very honoured to be asked to take some pictures of the beautiful and very pregnant Skipper and it was so much fun. She was such a great model , and I am really really pleased with the photos I got. Here's two of my faves:

And that's about it really. Nothing else really happening, just the same old same old but we are happy and healthy enough at the moment.