Sunday, January 28, 2007

Look, Up In The Sky! Is It A Bird? Is It A Plane?

No it's a comet! I even managed to take the camera out of the auto mode and take a photo. It's not a *great* photo..but at least it's mine :)

Monday, January 15, 2007

Conversations With Joe

I love spending time with my boy. He is so different from the girls in so many ways, and I love it when he and I can have conversations without being interrupted by the girls.
For instance Sunday morning Joe and I went for a walk to the shops, he doesn't get to go out without at least one of his sisters normally but decided he needed some time out from them so took him with me. He was so chatty, pointing out the birds, the cars, a truck and a mountain ( a mound of dirt) and then he got really excited...

Joe: Look Mama, the moon. Big Moon
Me: Yes good boy it is the moon and it is big
Joe: Moon hungry Mama. It's hungry moon
Me: What do you think the moon eats?
Joe (without hesitation) : Broccoli

Well there you learn something new with him all the time!
This morning he had been playing with the girls and came in all whingey

Joe: Scarlett's a bully
Me; What?
Joe: Scarlett's a bully, Scar-lett a bully, Scarlett a bully
Me: Scarlett's a bully?
Joe: No Scarlett's a girl
Me: !?!?!?!?!?!?

He's so funny, I almost wish he wasn't asleep right now just so I could go and snuggle with him.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Happy Birthday Gorgeous Georgeous and Poppy Monkey!!

Yep my gruesome twosome are another year older. The big THREE! I guess that technically makes them pre-schoolers and not toddlers anymore. I am a couple of days late with this post they actually had their birthday on Monday and we celebrated with a trip to the Zoo in the morning.
It's hard to believe how far they have come from the tiny teensy babies they are below

Scarlett, just hours old

Joe, a few hours old

to the big boisterous pre-schoolers they are now. Their unique and special relationship has grown and developed and I imagine would be hard to break, they fight fiercely and yet are fiercely protective of each other around other kids. They get annoyed at their lack of space but are left hysterical should one go out without the other, even if one goes to play in another room it's never more than 10 minutes before they will look for each other. I hope this bond they have will stay with them their whole lifetime.

Yesterday and today they have been playing with all their new birthday presents, so here is a snap of them taken less than an hour ago as they played with their new dress ups. I now can't get them out of those clothes and it's 38C here, which is fine for Ariel..not so great for Buzz!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Happy Birthday To...

my blog! Yes one year ago today this blog was born and already I can see how great it is to look back on the year that was and I am looking forward to sitting here this time next year seeing what other changes our lives have gone through and what the kids are up to.
I decided to celebrate by popping on my new banner which was made for my actual website that er..still isn't done yet (yoohoo G..remember me!?!?)

We spent yesterday morning being very productive but have nothing to show for it if that makes sense? G and I have finally had our long overdue chat about house renovations and options for extending or not extending the house with the end goal being the kids having a room each as Joe *needs* some space from the girls. We have now decided to hold off on extensions and shift our study so Joe gets his room, it may not work long long term but right now the for the next 4-5 years it should be okay and by then I hope to be back out working and maybe a house renovation will be possible.
So our new plan of attack is to get moving on clearing out the stuff from our front room to make way for the study desks. Somehow having what needs to be done written in front of us makes it all seem so much more do-able! I feel excited by it all and I want it done ASAP as poor Joe is constantly in the middle of the girls bugging him. He needs some space to play his own games in his own way instead of being told what character he is and what he has to say etc.