Yesterday was a perfect day, twins woke early but happy, we were super-early getting ready for school, twins walked up to and back from school nicely, they played well through the morning (didn't eat much lunch though), napped well etc etc The sun shone, the birds sang and I did a layout and started designing something new..perfect!
Today I got up extra early so I could shower before twins woke up early..and they still beat me up and were destroying my bedroom when I got out the shower, they hardly ate breakfast, argued and finally got ready for school..just as we were leaving my Mum called in tears.
Earlier this year on April 25th my Nana passed away, she was cremated and my Uncle has her ashes while decisions were being made on where to scatter her (despite the fact she had clearly stated in her pre-arranged funeral plans *where* she wanted to be scattered)
Today is Nana's 90th birthday, and I suggested to my mother some months back that this would be a perfect time to scatter her ashes and give her a birthday send-off. After a lot of nagging and ringing about on my part (Mum's life is far too busy to worry about such insiginificant things as fulfilling a dying person's wish) I managed to get Mum to arrange with her brother to head to the cemetary today to spread Nana's ashes.
Deep down I knew this was never going to happen, and sure enough my Uncle rang this morning and cancelled on her. I am so angry and hope I never encounter my Uncle again, I just have no words for what a piece of crap I think he is right now. I am positive that he never ever intended to go with my Mum today, thing is she doesn't drive and she doesn't have the Nana will have to sit and wait until my Uncle decides he can be bothered to do anything. He's way too busy having a little cold to worry about anything else right now, he's well enough to be looking after my cousins two kids while she swans off on yet another holiday with her husband for a week though! I'm ashamed to even be related to him.
Happy Birthday Nana, and don't forget to take that slice of pizza out of your bag later!