Monday, August 28, 2006

Oh My..It's Really Going To Happen!

About a year ago I met this super crazy chick online. We have spoken almost everyday (pretty close to) since. We have a lot in common, both come from a family of 3 kids, both have twins, both have 3 kids, both mad scrappers (though she's a paper-chick) both have husbands whose names start with G and both live in the same state.
Tomorrow we are *finally* going to meet face to face!! I can't wait, I adore this lady and we have so many laughs together, she is a truly wonderful , wonderful person to know, supportive, full of great advice, funny and so caring. It's an honour to know her and have her be part of my life.
I am really nervous..but knowing that she is too makes it a little easier. I don't know how I will sleep tonight or how I am going to make it through the day tomorrow until we meet but it is going to be so worth it just to meet this amazing person.
Love ya chickie!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Ooooh and...and....and....

As I was posting my last entry I had a very special visitor to my blog

How sweet is she??

I also forgot to add that I finally got a CD I ordered from Ebay recently, but it was so worth the wait, I just love it and listened to it ALL day!
Check out Michelle Branch and Jess Harper, better known as The Wreckers
Getting The Snip!

Oh don't worry girls, G is just fine..I'm talking about Joe's new haircut! We were out at the shops today and we decided Joe's hair was getting a little too long so dropped by the barbers while we were out. I never dreamed I would have a son who would require more haircuts a year than both his sisters combined! I can't believe how fast his hair grows, but I love it when it flops in his eyes like he's a scarecrow..unfortunately it gets too long at the sides and starts to ducktail out to the sides a bit and that just irritates me so hence the cut today.

Prior to his haircut today we went to the Telstra shop to renew my mobile phone contract. I swear my son was flirting *big* time with the sales girl, the charm just poured out of him as sat on the chair, grinning and smiling at the girl and just saying "yes" to everything she asked him. She of course thought he was adorable, and he just lapped it all up even more. At one point she left the desk to photocopy some stuff and I swear he was staring at her butt as she walked off!
While she was gone the phone on the desk started ringing and Joe got really panicked and he didn't know what to do...he kept looking for the girl, then back to the phone, and then for the girl again like he didn't know if he should answer it for her or not. When she came back to the desk it had already stopped ringing and Joe just started repeating over and over "phone, phone" and pointing madly at the phone on the desk, it was so hilarious.
Unfortunately it wasn't all good with him today, I came out of the study at one point to find him standing on his and Scarlett's table and dancing (okay so maybe it was kind of funny but I couldn't let HIM know that!)

Okay so aside from Joe being quite a character today my other exciting news is that one of my layouts was chosen as "Layout Of The Week" at (soon to be DigiScrapShak)
My layout of Scarlett is right on the homepage which is cool AND I get a coupon for the store...very exciting!

Last but not least "Amoureux" is now instore too!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Coming Soon To The Pickleberrypop Shop!

A sneak peek for my all my faithful blog readers (yeah right, coz I know there are just *squillions* of you.)

This is my new kit which should hopefully be landing in the Pickleberrypop Shop in the next couple of days.
I am so thrilled with how this kit has turned out, and amazed how fast it went was great to design and just flowed so easily. Originally intended to be a paperpack it just kept growing....

Here is "Amoureux" (translated to English it means "in love"....awwwww!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Breathe, breathe, breathe....

I am so furious I could explode. Once again our house has come under attack from outsiders..well if you ask me I know exactly which outsider but again I have no proof.
I had a cardiology appt yesterday, and lucky for me it all went well (other than the fact the cardio was running late and we waited 2.5 hours to get in to see her)
I was exhausted when we finally got home so while I cooked a super quick tea for G, Ab and I it was decided Mum would go home as she had been here babysitting.
We got the kids into bed about 7.40pm and I settled down in front of the TV and G took up position on the PC in the study. Less than 10 minutes later he came and asked if I had made a noise, I said no and he wandered down to the front door area and poked his head in the front room to see what the noise was, he switched the light on..saw nothing and assumed it was just the TV he had heard.
This morning he went shopping and didn't take his keys and when I opened the door to let him in on his return I noticed something sparkling on the ground behind him. Upon further investigation we found this....

Yeah nice. Thanks a freakin' lot. There goes any chance of enjoying Saturday as a family as we now get to spend the afternoon waiting for a glazier to come fix our window..oh and paying $100 of our hard earned money to our insurance!
You disgusting piece of filth, be sure I know who you are and I am waiting for you. Do *anything* to my house or family again and you are going to be in a whole pile of trouble. Be sure we will be reporting this to the police, and everything you do to our house will be reported to the will get caught eventually. Be sure we are also talking to the neighbours about having all their damage and incidents reported to the police. Your time for terrorizing our neighbourhood is almost up.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Middle Of The Week Syndrome

It's Wednesday, I am tired and it's not been a good morning thus far. Joe was being so difficult about getting through his breakfast and getting dressed so we could take Ab to school that I gave up and called a friend to collect Ab and drop her at school for me. It was a gorgeous morning weather-wise too and I had been looking forward to the short walk but Joe pretty much nixed that plan!
To make it even better Scarlett and Joe decided to take turns throwing tantrums for the next 40 minutes..all I can say is lucky they are so loving normally or I would have just given up completely and gone back to bed to let them scream. They seem okay now...not sure how long it will last.
Nothing else to report really, just been doing some scrapping this week which was fun to do, no designing going on at the moment...will have to wait for my next wave of inspiration to hit!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

My Artistic Husband

Just to prove I am not the only artistic (and I do use that term very loosely!!) one in the household here is what happens when G gets busy on my Wacom tablet.

Hmm..don't ya think he would know better than to leave his artwork lying around for it to end up on the world wide web!?!?

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Introducing "Plumdiddlyumptious"

This is my newest kit available instore right now at the pickleberrypop shop This kit was so much fun to do and I learned some really interesting stuff while making it so I am very excited to see it in the pop shop!

Not a lot else happening at the moment, we brought a tripod for the camera today so fingers crossed we may be able to take a family picture soon. The weather is due to be gorgeous this weekend too so I may try to head outside and take some photos if time (and kids) permit.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Move Along, Nothing To See

Well I just thought I better write something..anything just so I could say I updated my blog!
It was a hectic week last week but the launch of Pickleberrypop seemed to go well, there's a whole bunch of fab new people that have joined who are just jumping right into everything with such enthusiasm it is truly inspiring, and so much of the work in the galleries is just incredible! I am so proud to be on the team there, and even if I wasn't I would join in anyway as the happy vibe there is very cool.
I managed some layouts this week which I will show off tomorrow as quite frankly I am too darn tired to sit here for long, my nice big warm bed is just screaming my name!
I took Abbey out tonight to a Musical Instrument Trial night tonight as she has been saying she wants to try the flute and clarinet to see if she would like to learn them. The night was a complete shambles and very poorly organised, I was certainly not the only frustrated parent there with an over tired child who had to wait ages to get a turn on an instrument and was too tired to care about enjoying it when she did get a turn. I am hoping we can get past this as I think Ab would really love to play something and be quite good at it.
I am very excited that I managed to start designing a new kit yesterday, seems ages since I had the design mojo and I am thrilled with how this kit is looking already and where it is headed..stay tuned for a sneak peek here when I am done!
I also have some other big and very exciting news (well exciting to me anyhow) which I can't share yet but to say I am stoked is an understatement! It may take a few weeks before I can announce it but you can be sure that once share it you will not hear the end of it.