Anyone Miss Me?It's been ages since I blogged, not because I had nothing to say but more that I didn't have the energy to do so. Now that I have the energy I don't recall what I was going to blog about anyway.
I've been up and down all week with a head cold, not the worse cold I have ever had but enough to kill off my scrapping mojo and make me feel fairly blurgh. I did manage one LO earlier in the week....
Font used: Curlz MT
All papers made by me
Brushes made by me using Lisa Wells' Flower and Swirl Doodles.
This picture was taken in the same set of pictures from my Miss Attitude LO I did of Scarlett the other week.
That's pretty much all the scrapping I did this week. In between feeling crap I have been trying to get the house straight as we are having a big curry night here tomorrow night and I needed to get some extra stuff done for that. It was G's birthday on Thursday..the big 33! We went out to dinner at our fave Mexican restaurant, Zapata's on Melbourne Street. My cold was playing up big time but the food was still awesome, and the company was even better. We ate rather too much but hey, we don't get to go there too much lately and it's worth feeling over full.
Today we are off to finish off the Easter shopping while Mum watches the kids. Have certainly been spoiled this week with time off from the kids, still it's school holidays here now so just as well I had a break before they started. Ab is going to stay at Mum's next weekend so will just be me, G and the twins which will be nice, and Ab will get some extra attention and treats etc from her Nanny so she will be thrilled. I'm hoping to go bed hunting for the twins as I am feeling it's getting to that time now.
Last night they went without their night time bottles for the first time! Went quite well considering, Scarlett didn't fuss at all and Joe sulked for a while before finally drinking his milk from his sippy cup. I am so glad to be getting rid of bottles completely! They stopped having daytime bottles when they turned 2, but we just couldn't quite kick the night time bottles. Even until recently Scar wouldn't drink milk from a sippy cup, only water but just in the last couple of weeks she has started asking for and actually drinking milk from her cup. As you can imagine over 2 years with twins we have washed a LOT of bottles and I am not sorry to see them go. Only single beds and toilet training to go and we'll be out of that baby stage well and truly in no time :)
Now that Ab is on school holidays I am thinking of giving toilet training a go with the twins to see what happens, if they completely reject the idea then I will not push it but I did buy some Dora undies for Scarlett and some Wiggles jocks for Joe to help encourage them along.
Ab's done quite well with her school report this term. Unfortunately she was away when they did the maths assessment so I have no clue how she is doing with maths. She is awesome at literacy based subjects but I don't know how she goes with Maths. I have an interview set up with her teacher next term and will discuss it then in more detail as it's just not something I know how she is going with. I love that she can read well etc..but can she do basic maths?? We bought her a new Beanie Kid to show her how proud we are of her efforts over the term, both at school and at swimming. Last week in her swimming lesson (which I didn't go to) she jumped off the diving blocks into the deep end of the big pool! Not bad for a girl who only a few months ago cried her heart out at the thought of even having to go in the shallow end of the big pool!
Anyhow I am out of time, must get kids dressed and myself ready to go out before my Mum gets here..will try to be a better blogger this week!